First Ever Gyro Loop Time Trial a Success!

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June 13, 2009

First Ever Gyro Loop Time Trial a Success!

Swimmers of all levels pitted themselves against the clock this morning and swam the 800m Gyro Loop. The water was calm, clear and a scorching 18 degrees. The fastest time of 11:03:48 was posted by Mike Stamhuis. This is the current loop record!

The Gyro Loop Time Trials are a weekly event held every Saturday morning at 7:00am (sign up at 6:45am). Next week we will be adding a 1600m time trial for those interested in doing two continuous loops. Your results will be posted on this website so you can track your performance over the season. It’s a great way to train for the Across the Lake Swim or any open water swimming event!

So come out and join the fun – it’s just you against the clock! Swimmers of all levels are welcome but you must be able to swim at least 1000m continuously in a pool. We even have an official Lifeguard on duty on a surfboard to make sure we are all safe.

See you on Saturday!

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