June 30, 2009
New "Safety Buoys" now in place at Gyro!
The City has responded to our request to add a buoy line just outside of the new Gyro Swim Loop buoys, to serve as a deterrent to boaters coming too close to swimmers. Despite this, boats (usually with water skiers in tow) continue to be noticed very close to the outer buoys, and even occasionally inside them, so a continued vigil remains important, as does brightly colored swim caps. The RCMP has been informed of our safety concerns, as has the marina at the Eldorado where boats fuel up. We will continue to inform the boating and water skiing community that there are swimmers out at Gyro every morning, all summer long. We hope that all users of this loop can also inform your boater friends to keep clear of the loop to keep everyone safe. If anyone captures a photograph of boats in or near the Loop, please contact us by sending them to: webguy@acrossthelakeswim.com.