June 25, 2010
Open Water Swim Clinic and Wetsuit Demo Day
Saturday, June 26 will be another Open Water Swim Clinic brought to you by the Across the Lake Swim Society. Rob Swan from Critical Performance will be teaching how to integrate long distance sighting into the swim stroke and how to swim straighter. The lake temperature is nice and warm, and it’s going to be a beautiful morning for a swim. There’s no excuses people! Unless, of course, you were out drinking with your buddies the night before.
Fresh Air will also be demoing wetsuits from Blue Seventy and Zoot. Come and try one on and go for a swim. With your new sighting and straight swimming skills, Fresh Air won’t have to pick you up somewhere in the middle of the lake swimming in circles in their expensive demo suit (see why they’re doing the demo day after this clinic? – smart).
Registration is 6:45am at the Gyro Swim Loop. Cost is $5 to cover insurance.