Special Safety Announcement

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June 30, 2011

Special Safety Announcement

Due to unique lake conditions this year (2011) the ATLS Society would like all participants – both swimmers and their support crew – to take a few extra precautions in the weeks leading up to the swim and on the day of the swim itself. The lake temperature appears to be slightly colder than normal. And, the lake level is a little higher than normal, which while not a danger in itself, has introduced more debris (e.g. tree branches) from the shoreline and the creeks that feed the lake.

We strongly encourage you to make note of the following:

Before the race

  • Ensure you have a wetsuit. While not required, it is strongly recommended. A proper swimming wetsuit is ideal, but a general purpose wetsuit works as well. Please ensure that the wetsuit fits properly so as not to impede your swimming ability.
  • Get acclimated to the lake water. Swim in Lake Okanagan several times before race day. Out-of-towners try to find a lake at about 17-19 degrees Celsius. Also, try to simulate the time and distance you will spend in the water on race day. The distance of the swim is approximately 2100m. NOTE: We are hosting FREE Aqua Sphere Open Water Swim Clinics at Gyro beach on Sat July 2 and Sat July 9 to help participants prepare.

On race day

  • Watch for floating debris. Sight more often than you normally would and ensure you have proper goggles that allow good visibility.
  • Remember what to do if you feel you cannot finish the swim: wave your arms to attract one of the support boats. Please DO NOT attempt to climb into small boat like a canoe or kayak. Instead, use an extra PFD that the boat should have to help you stay afloat if you are having difficulty. Then have the small boat signal (e.g. wave a paddle) to one of our volunteer power boats for assistance.

NOTE: People who may be especially prone to cold are:

  1. Children and adults under 100 lbs
  2. Elderly
  3. Diabetics
  4. People with heart conditions.


By taking these extra precautions, we hope everybody can have a safe and enjoyable swim on July16th. See you out there!

Nick Rabinovitch
Safety Director
Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim

Please contact Nick at: safetydirector@acrossthelakeswim.com if you have any questions.

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