Across the Lake Swim
Interior Savings

July 19th, 2025
Kelowna, bc, canada
- Details
- Sponsors
- Courses
- Schedule
- Package Pickup
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- Results
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- Details
The annual Interior Savings Across The Lake Swim Kelowna is the largest and longest continuously running open water swim event in Canada. Swimmers complete a 2.1 km swim near the Old Ferry Docks at the bottom of Old Ferry Wharf Rd. in West Kelowna to Hot Sands Beach in City Park, Kelowna. The 1.5km swim is also across Okanagan Lake and starts in West Kelowna near the 2.1km start. Yes, we will bus you over to both starts!
Age group swimmers will self-start whenever ready and your time starts when you cross the timing mat and enter the water. Competitive group swimmers have a mass start.
All swimmers will receive their finish time thanks to the timing chip worn around your ankle as you swim. When you cross the finish line, this timing chip will register each swimmer’s personal swim time. All swimmers will be eligible for medals in their age group, as well as door prizes.
Swimmers in the Competitive category have a mass start 7:45am. We treat the Competitive category as a separate race, so all Competitive participants will receive a medal for 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their age group, and are not eligible for age group awards.
There is no registration on the day of the event!
What you get for your registration fee:
- An opportunity to swim across the jewel of the Okanagan, and challenge yourself to conquer this bucket list item.
- A swim monitored by lifeguards and boats on the water, and the RCMP Lake Patrol.
- Our famous swag.
- Automated electronic timing and your results posted online.
- Medals for top 3 overall in each individual age category.
- Food and drinks at the finish line.
- Event insurance.
- Five FREE Fresh Air Open Water Swim Clinics starting in June.
- Bus ride to the start line.
- Lots of door prizes.
We provide transportation by bus (included in your registration fee) to the start line from the City Park. Due to construction on the Westside, there is very limited access to the start area for private cars and NO PARKING at the start.
Friday Night Boat Drop Off
Support paddlers for participants can drop off their craft at City Park from 5-7pm Friday, July 18th. The boats are in a secure area and watched by security over night. In the morning, come to the Finish Line in City Park to pick up the craft – this saves having to do it in the morning.
Across the Lake Swim Ribbon won by Joanne Ritchie in 1972 The Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim Kelowna began in 1949 and is the longest running and largest annual open water event in Canada. It is also the last event left from the early Kelowna Regatta. The Kelowna Masters Swim Club took over the administration of the Swim Across The Lake from the City of Kelowna in 1986. Back then, the swim started at 6pm on a Friday and ended in City Park which was fenced off as part of the 3 day Regatta. After the Kelowna Regatta ended in 1988 the swim was moved to Saturday morning. An accompanying canoe was mandatory and the swim became part of the (now folded) BC Open Water Swim Race Series.
The Kelowna Masters Swim Club had organized the Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim as part of its club activities. However, the surging growth and interest in open water swimming and the Interior Savings Across The Lake Swim mandated more dedicated attention than to just be part of any one swim club. Therefore the organizers created a non-profit society to promote the event and important skills involved in open water swimming. Five veterans of previous ATLS organizing committees became the founding members of the new Across The Lake Swim Society (ATLSS), which was registered in November 2009.
The ATLSS had its first annual general meeting in September 2010.
The Across the Lake Swim has been gaining popularity every year and sells out earlier year after year. What once was a swim of just 400 participants just a few short years ago, has now grown to include over 1200 swimmers. And, the swim was recently recognized as one of the top swims in the world by
Here is an article in IMPACT Magazine written by our own Mark Fromberg about the history of the swim: Read the article here.
Mark recently discovered an article written in the August 10th edition of the 1910 Kelowna Courier which reviews a swim across Okanagan Lake, so the swim may be a lot older than we think!
Article in the August 11, 1910 Kelowna Courier Do you know any history about the swim?
Unfortunately, the details of the past history of the Across the Lake Swim are little known and we are looking for any tidbits of information that can help us piece together this incredible event. If you have any information such as pictures, news clips, or if you even swam or watched it years ago, please contact us as we would love to hear from you.
- Sponsors
- Course
Date | Start Time | End Time | Event | Place |
Sat, Jun 14 | 7:00 am | 8:00 am | Free Fresh Air Open Water Swim Clinic | Boyce Gyro Beach, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sat, Jun 21 | 7:00 am | 8:00 am | Free Fresh Air Open Water Swim Clinic | Boyce Gyro Beach, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sat, Jun 28 | 7:00 am | 8:00 am | Free Fresh Air Open Water Swim Clinic | Boyce Gyro Beach, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sat, Jul 5 | 7:00 am | 8:00 am | Free Fresh Air Open Water Swim Clinic | Boyce Gyro Beach, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sun, Jul 13 | 7:00 am | 8:00 am | Free Fresh Air Open Water Swim Clinic | Boyce Gyro Beach, Kelowna, B.C. |
Thu, Jul 17 | 3:00 pm | 7:00 pm | Package Pickup | TBA |
Fri, Jul 18 | 3:00 pm | 7:00 pm | Package Pickup | TBA |
Fri, Jul 18 | 5:00 pm | 7:00 pm | Support Craft Drop Off | Hot Sands Beach, City Park, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sat, Jul 19 | 6:00 am | Arrive in City Park | Hot Sands Beach, City Park, Kelowna, B.C. | |
Sat, Jul 19 | 6:00 am | Gear Tent Opens | Hot Sands Beach, City Park, Kelowna, B.C. | |
Sat, Jul 19 | 7:00 am | 7:30 am | 2.1km buses depart for Start Line | City Park, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sat, Jul 19 | 7:45 am | 8:00 am | 1.5km buses depart for Start Line | City Park, Kelowna, B.C. |
Sat, Jul 19 | 7:50 am | Competitive Category Swim Start | Start Line in West Kelowna | |
Sat, Jul 19 | 8:00 am | 2.1km Swim Start | Start Line in West Kelowna | |
Sat, Jul 19 | 8:30 am | 1.5km Swim Start | Start Line in West Kelowna |
Times are subject to change.
Package Pickup
Event packages will be available Thursday and Friday before the event. The location for 2025 has not been finalized yet. You can pick up your event package on:
Thursday, July 17th, 3-7PM
Friday, July 18th, 3-7PM
We recommend personally picking up your event bag, but you can also have a friend or relative pick it up on your behalf. They will need your Registration ID and will be required to sign a form confirming the bag pickup.
You will receive your timing chip and swim cap at event package pick up. This will save you time on event day (Yay! More sleep!), but it is your responsibility to remember to bring your timing chip and cap to the event. A replacement fee of $50 will be charged for lost or forgotten timing chips.
1.4km Start Revised
July 13, 2024We've found an even more breathtaking starting point for the 1.4km swim.
ViewFree Swim Clinics Start This Saturday
June 11, 2024It's time to get in the lake! Clinics start June 15th!
View103.1 Beach Radio Kelowna New Start Line Sponsor
June 7, 2024New Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim Kelowna Start Line Sponsor
ViewNew Shorter Distances
January 10, 2024We are thrilled to announce that we have added two new swim distances for Kelowna and Skaha Lake.
View2023 Photos Now Online
August 16, 2023The photos from this year's swim are now available to view.
ViewNew! Open Registration For Advanced Swimmers
April 9, 2023We are excited to announce our new Open Registration option for more advanced swimmers!
ViewConny Stamhuis Celebrates 90th Birthday with 6th Swim!
June 24, 2022Kelowna's 90-year-young Conny Stamhuis is ready to attempt her sixth 2.1 kilometre swim across Okanagan Lake on July 16, 2022.
ViewThe Story of Linda Sharp, the Final Swimmer in 2018
May 28, 2019Need some inspiration? Here is the award winning CBC story of Linda Sharp, who was the final swimmer in last year's swim.
Do I need to use a Swim Buddy?
The use of a Swim Buddy is recommended but not mandatory. The swim buddy device is simply a safety tool which makes swimmers much more visible in the water. This is important as swimmers can get quite spread apart and this allows our safety patrol and other boaters who are on the lake at the time a better chance to spot swimmers.
When can we drop off our support craft?
You can drop off the support craft (SUP, kayak) at City Park on Friday night before the swim in our secure area from 5-7pm. We have security on site overnight.
You can drop off support craft in City Park starting at 6am in the morning of the swim. The drop off location is at the roundabout at the far south end of the park next to the bridge.
How do I get to the Start Line?
Included in your registration fee is transportation from the Finish Line to the Start Line. The buses will pick you up in City Park and drop you off right alongside the lake at the start line in the West Kelowna. The start area is fully carpeted and swept so you will not need to worry about walking on gravel.
How do teams work?
Four swim participants can join as a team. Each team member still swims individually, but we will combine the four times together and rank them against other teams of four. Team members must indicate while registering what team they belong to.
If you have already registered but want to be added to a team, just email use and we will change your registration.
I’m arriving from out of town late on Friday. How do I get my package?
If you are from out of town and cannot pickup your package during the package pickup time and dates, please contact us and we will make arrangements with you.
Can you see the finish line from the start line?
Our huge finish line archway is slightly visible from the start line. When you start swimming you will be swimming into the sun, so it can be difficult to sight. Look for the clump of trees to the left of the bridge, these are the trees in City Park. The finish line is right in the centre.
Once you have swum about 300m the large yellow finish line arch will be clearly visible.
Tip: Never rely on following other swimmers as they may be heading in the wrong direction too!
Can I bring stuff on the bus?
You CANNOT take anything on the bus that you will not be using during the swim (e.g., shoes, sunglasses, etc.) as we cannot bring these items back for you. You will be quite warm in your wetsuit! We will once again have carpets laid down at the start line area so that you don’t need shoes with you.
There is a bag check tent available in City Park for all items you don’t use during the swim.
Is there a cut-off time for the swim?
There is a “soft” cutoff time of 1 1/2hrs to complete the swim. If you are still out in the water after 2 hours, depending on how far out you still are, we may pull you out of the water. After this time, it becomes a safety issue as we need to open the lake up for the boaters and jet-skis.
What time should my support paddler be at the Start Line?
We recommend getting to the start line no later than 7:30am. The swim starts at 8:00am and this should give you enough time to place your craft in the correct area to meet up with your swimmer.
Are there change rooms and showers available for after the swim?
Yes and no. There are public washrooms at the Finish Line but no showers. There is an outdoor shower at the Kelowna finish line.
City Park has limited parking available. Get there early!
If the lot is full, there is plenty of free street parking, or park in the Chapman Parkade which is one block away on Lawrence Ave, also free.
There is no parking at either start line in West Kelowna.
We will bus you to the Start Line.
2024 Results
2024 2.1km Competitive
2024 2.1km
2024 1.5km
2023 Results
2023 2.1km Competitive
2023 2.1km
2022 Results
Previous Results
Today's Okanagan Lake Water Temperature
Updated: Mar 28, 2025 10:30pm